プロフィール Profile

浜中 康子(はまなか・やすこ)

桐朋学園大学音楽学部ピアノ科卒業。東京藝術大学大学院音楽研究科修了。ピアノを中山靖子氏に師事。W. ヒルトン、E. カンピアヌ両氏のもとでバロックダンスを学ぶ。
ピアノ演奏活動とともにバロックダンスの研究、公演活動をすすめ、トーマス・ベアード、ペイジ・ウィットリー=ボーゲスを招聘し、紀尾井ホール、杉並公会堂大ホール他で上演した「バロック音楽と舞踏のスペクタクル —ヴェルサイユの祝祭 I〜V」「舞曲は踊る I, II」では好評を博す。都留音楽祭、新国立劇場バレエ研修所他において講座をもつ。
主な著書に『栄華のバロックダンス—舞踏譜に舞曲のルーツを求めて—』、DVD『宮廷の華「バロックダンスへの招待」—舞曲のルーツを探る—』、DVD『宮廷の華「バロックダンスへの招待 I, II」』がある(いずれも音楽之友社から刊行)。
平成12年度文化庁派遣芸術家在外研修員として渡米。現在、国立音楽大学、桐朋芸術短期大学、東京学芸大学、北海道教育大学岩見沢校 他で後進の指導にあたる。東京バロックダンス研究会主宰。

Yasuko Hamanaka is a baroque dancer and pianist from Tokyo, Japan.
She received a BA in piano performance at the Tohogakuen School of Music and an MA from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts.

She has studied baroque dance with Eva Campianu in Vienna and Wendy Hilton in US.
She was granted a fellowship from the Japanese government’s Overseas Study Program for Artists, in 2000 allowed her to live and study in the US for one year.

She has performed in numerous music and dance concerts as well as many lecture demonstrateons throughout Japan.
Especially her performances, called – the Spectacle of Baroque Music – “Fete des Versailles” and “Dance music is dancing” with Thomas Baird and Paige Whitley –Bauguess (1997-2016) were very highly praised.
She teaches at the Tsuru Early Music Festivals every sumer, and has regular classes at the Tohogakuen College of Drama and Music, Kunitachi College of Music, etc.
She has also regular lessons and special workshop as a leader of The Tokyo Baroque Dance Society (Tokyo BDS).
She is the author of Baroque Dance at the Zenith of Splendor – The Search for the Root of Dance Music (ONGAKU NO TOMO SHA CORP).

She has also produced a baroque dance DVD called The Splendor of the French Court – An Invitation to the World of Baroque Dance I II (ONGAKU NO TOMO SHA CORP).

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